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American College of Paramedics to be created

American College of Paramedics to be created

By Nick Nudell, EMSAC Region 1 Representative

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US representatives introduce bill to pay for in-home EMS calls

Five US representatives introduce bill to pay for Treatment-In-Place EMS

WASHINGTON, D.C. - July 10, 2024, Representatives Mike Carey (OH-15), Lloyd Doggett (TX-35)Carol Miller (WV-01), Pat Ryan (NY-18) and Debbie Dingell (MI-12) introduced the bipartisan Improving Access to Emergency Medical Services for Seniors Act. The bill would allow seniors on Medicare to receive at-home emergency medical services to treat minor medical incidents.

“Not every patient is best served by an emergency room visit,” said Congressman Carey. “In fact, for many seniors, a trip to the hospital can mean long wait times, increased costs and potentially life-threatening complications. We’re proud to lead this bill to give our seniors access to the highest caliber of care.” 

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Clinical Practice


Clinical Practice - new!

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Bonnie Culpepper Memorial Scholarship

Bonnie Culpepper Memorial Scholarship

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2024 Colorado Legislative Session Summary

2024 Legislative Session Summary

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Advocacy March 2024

March 2024 Advocacy Update

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Meet the Leadership

Meet EMSAC's Leadership

March 2024

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2024 EMS Day at the Capitol

2024 EMS Day at the Capitol

(DENVER, Colo.) February 20
By Howard M. Paul, Communications Director

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Reflections on our noble profession


Reflections on our noble profession
By Scott Sholes, President

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Advocacy February 2024

Advocating Emergency Medical Services

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Meet the board of directors' secretary

EMSAC secretary

David Patterson is EMSAC's elected Secretary.“David began his EMS career as a volunteer and paid Firefighter, EMT, and Paramedic in Texas beginning in 1989, serving with the Clear Lake City Fire Department and the Clear Lake Emergency Medical Corps. He also has worked as a paramedic, supervisor, and manager with Rural/Metro in Waco and MedStar in Fort Worth. He relocated to Colorado in 2000, serving as the Division General Manager for Rural/Metro’s Colorado operation for 13 years – moving to Falck in 2013, leading their Rocky Mountain, Oregon, and Washington divisions. In the course of these two professional roles over the past 23 years, he has had the privilege of leading emergency ambulance response systems in Colorado for Aurora, Boulder, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Littleton, Lakeside, and Sheridan.

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American EMS—the national view

American EMS—the national view

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Colorado legislature update - January 2024

Colorado legislature update - January 2024
By John Seward, Advocacy Committee Correspondent
EMS Director, University of Denver

Colorado lawmakers returned to the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 10 to face a full agenda of familiar issues and long debates on tough challenges like property tax relief and land use regulation. Top of mind for legislators is balancing the state budget which is a constitutionally required endeavor each year.  

We are working hard with our members and legislative champions. We are closely monitoring legislation related to property taxes particularly how it will impact our special district members and county governments. Additionally, EMSAC is pursuing legislation relating to surprise medical billing and EMS system funding.

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EMSAC Region News: R2

(NEW) EMSAC Region News

Welcome to EMSAC's region news. Each month we will bring you a report from one of EMSAC's 11 regions, from the region's representative on the EMSAC's board of directors. The region boundaries conform to those of the eleven state Regional Trauma and EMS Advisory Councils (RETACs). 

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EMS lights and sirens

EMS lights and sirens
StatPearls [Internet].Matthew J. NeulanderDaniyal I. SiddiquiSteven Mountfort.
Author Information and Affiliations


At face value, the use of lights and sirens by prehospital emergency medical personnel does not seem to be an area of high-value research or controversy. Drivers are all quite used to seeing emergency vehicles at work on the streets, lights flashing, and sirens wailing.  Both lights and sirens are, and for a long time have been, standard components of EMS vehicles. They are used both to decrease the time it takes emergency medical personnel to respond to the location of an accident, illness, or injury, as well as the time it takes to transport the patient to a definitive care center. They are also used to keep medical providers safe while on the scene of an incident. The judicious and safe use of lights and sirens is a topic that has been well-researched recently[1][2], and the manner in which emergency medical service (EMS) providers use them has changed significantly over time. Their use presents quantifiable risks and benefits, both to EMS personnel and to the public. Like any medical intervention, those risks and benefits need to be thoughtfully considered and measured. This is to allow for the greatest safety for EMS providers and non-medical traffic and pedestrians, and the maximal benefit for the patients being transported for care.

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EMSAC Region News: R3

(NEW) EMSAC Region News

Welcome to EMSAC's region news. Each month we will bring you a report from one of EMSAC's 11 regions, from the region's representative on the EMSAC's board of directors. The region boundaries conform to those of the eleven state Regional Trauma and EMS Advisory Councils (RETACs). 

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EMSAC region news: R4


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EMS at "Burning Man"

EMS at Burning Man 2023

One month later
By Jason Kotas
EMS Outreach and Education Program Manager at Children’s Hospital Colorado

It’s been 30 days since I returned from Black Rock City and my experience serving as a medic for Burning Man. I’ve been trying to process what happened and to find just the right words to describe what “it” was like. The fact is, there simply are no words and the topic of how to explain what we were experiencing was a common topic on the playa.

It was all the things. A choose-your-own-adventure city of 80,000 in the desert. I was so honored to be let into the family of Rebel Camp (comprising of about 60 medical volunteers from around the country) and for my field training experience (officially and non-officially) from Bob and Odie.

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Special session includes EMS

General Assembly Special Session deals with 2023 property tax consequences
By Chris Howes, Howes - Wolf
We are happy to report some good news for EMS from the Colorado State Capitol. 
As you have no doubt heard in the media, a special session was called by the governor to address skyrocketing property taxes. 
The signature bill of the special session was Senate Bill 23B-001 by Senate President Fenberg (D) of Boulder & Senator Hansen (D) of Denver concerning a reduction in 2023 residential property taxes. After amending the bill to require a backfill for Colorado Fire Districts, the Senate Finance Committee passed 001 onto the floor. Our team felt that the bill sponsors should have included Ambulance Districts and Health Service Districts as well, so EMSAC lobbyist Chris Howes testified before the committee that it was a grave mistake to leave out EMS. 
After much lobbying and little sleep, we teamed up with the Colorado Hospital Association to craft and ultimately pass Amendment L.031 to successfully include Ambulance Districts and Health Service Districts, just like Fire Districts. Amendment L. 031 was moved by Senator Chris Hansen of Denver.  The amendment made it through to the final reading and is in the bill as signed by Governor Polis.

Colorado EMS Sustainability Task Force Update for EMSAC Members

Colorado EMS Sustainability Task Force Update for EMSAC Members

By Sean Caffrey, Crested Butte Fire Protection District
EMSAC delegate to the Colorado EMS Sustainability Task Force

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